
What exactly IS the difference? Skip Wikipedia and head straight to for the answer! We asked the experts, that is, folks that actually MAKE tons of ice cream (not just eat tons of it like somebody here, but we aren’t here to talk about that, are we?)… and we got answers! Spoiler alert: My personal favorite answer came from Breyer’s… the difference between those two flavors is that we make one, but we don’t  make the other one anymore. That was easy!

POSTED ON January 9, 2012 BY Gary Applegary


  1. sandy pfahlert on January 9, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    Oh, here it is!!!……I left another message somewhere else on all thse sites……..guess I’l just let you find it!!! HAHAHAHA!

  2. Gary Applegary on January 9, 2012 at 8:23 pm

    Glad it made you laugh, and educated you a little bit as well, perhaps! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Jude and Tucker Maxwell on February 25, 2012 at 10:36 am

    Cute, verrry cute. It gave me several chuckles. Thanks my applegary friend from your hey jude friend.

    • Gary Applegary on February 25, 2012 at 3:41 pm

      Thank you! I hope you found it enlightening as well. I never knew what was up with those two flavors.

  4. Mike Hupp on March 8, 2012 at 11:53 am

    Too funny!

    • Gary Applegary on March 8, 2012 at 12:10 pm

      Thanks! I know you were wondering about this!

  5. Miguel on February 1, 2013 at 4:58 am

    A friend and I had this exact discussion less than two weeks ago. As expected, the differences are arbitrary and whatever each company wants it to be. More importantly, your letters cracked me up and are a great read. Almost as funny is the serious tone of the replies. Thanks for the laugh.

    PS I sent my friend the link to this page.

    • Gary Applegary on February 1, 2013 at 6:07 am

      Thanks so much for checking out the site and for the kind words, Miguel. Glad you enjoyed! Thank you also for sharing with a friend. Please have them share it also, hooray! Stay tuned for more applezaniness!

  6. 33/365: National Heavenly Hash Day « Eat My Words on February 2, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    […] between Heavenly Hash and Rocky Road (which Wikipedia claims are basically the same thing). The responses are amusing (and still somewhat inconclusive). Rocky Road is a mixture of chocolate ice cream, mini […]

    • Gary Applegary on February 3, 2013 at 3:45 pm

      Great work! Now let’s give Rum Raisin it’s day!

  7. CursiveTea on October 8, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    I came upon some Heavenly Hash at my local Winn Dixie and remember eating both as a kid. My husband is picky about ice cream and I told him I got Heavenly Hash which he asked me to explain in length the ingredient list. At the end I was asked, “Don’t you mean Rocky Road? That’s Rocky Road, right?” Haha. I loved your letters; especially the Bert & Ernie comparison. Keep up the great writing! 🙂

    • Gary Applegary on October 9, 2013 at 6:25 pm

      Thanks so much for stopping by, and for your words of encouragement. Always appreciated, like a nice bowl of ice cream!

  8. Annette on February 19, 2014 at 12:04 am

    This was hysterical and made my night! My mother’s favorite ice cream is Heavenly Hash but she swears she hates Rocky Road (which, naturally my father adores). This has been a source of marital conflict for 45 years (those Rocky Road moments, I’d guess you could say).

    Tonight I was making my husband’s favorite chocolate ice cream (much better than the garbage made by those big companies) & contemplating a try at homemade Rocky Road (as RR is my wonderful husband’s favorite variety).

    Naturally I began thinking of the great HH vs RR conflict and the unsuccessful peace talks and began to think “what on earth is the difference anyway?”

    This has settled it, then. There is no difference. Either it will end a long drawn out battled, resulting in peace in the dairy dessert department in my folks’ kitchen or else it will confirm my father’s suspicions that my mother is intentionally difficult to spite him 😉

    Your letters were great and it is such a wonder that the staff that responded gave formncut-and-paste answers like that! I think it goes to show you that they’re dead inside at those soulless large-scale food manufacturing companies. Churning out dairy-ish desserts reminiscent of ice cream.

    Seriously though… not even so much as a chuckle out of those guys. Not one sarcastic ornplayful

    • Gary Applegary on February 19, 2014 at 6:12 pm

      Annette, thanks for stopping by! It makes my day that it made your night! I can only hope your parents will find peace and a flavor they can both agree on. Those new This, That, and The Other Tracks flavors can be a wee bit confusing; I recommend avoiding them entirely. I think making your own chocolate ice cream is a stroke of genius!

  9. Annette on February 19, 2014 at 12:08 am

    Forgive my phone keyboard fat-fingered typing. I hit “submit” in error and seem to enjoy pressing the letter “n” over my space bar. Embarrassing.

    Love the posts! Keep ’em coming! Speaking of food perhaps you can find out next why tuna packed in water is not actually packed in water. That one makes me scratch my head for sure and Google hasn’t yielded a satisfactory answer for that one.

    • Gary Applegary on February 19, 2014 at 6:14 pm

      I do fat-finger typing also; it’s why I seem to detest laptop keyboards. I thank you for your idea on another investigation, it does merit looking into. Right now I am trying unsuccessfully to get an answer from Popeye’s as to exactly why spinach is not on their menu. I mean, that seems like a no-brawner.

  10. Georgia E on October 11, 2014 at 2:40 pm

    i grew up eating heavenly hash, the sealtest brand, with my nanny (southern for grandma). i’d stay with her in the summer and it was her favorite. she always kept it for my visit; thinking about it takes me back to those childhood summers here in nc. ahh, nostalgia.

    anyway, i LOVED your letters. they had me rolling on the floor. if i worked in the customer service department of edy’s, i would have found a way to hook you up with WAY more schwag than just a measly 75 cent off coupon. i mean, you would have made my day. having spent over 20 years in customer service, you don’t get many letters like that. mostly they are of the unflattering, definitely humourless complaints. you most certainly would have been getting regular correspondence & 1/2 off coupons from me on like a weekly basis. yeah, that’s the ticket.

    then the ben & jerry/bert & ernie comparison? i thought i was going to die! of course, you got no answer, but what was enclosed? the letter said there was an enclosure. inquiring minds and all. i’m ALWAYS oscar the grouch, by the way. and the breyers reply was exactly what you expect from a robot. however, their website says they make heavenly hash, under the family classic heading, in the blue tub. i haven’t looked in my store lately, but i will tomorrow. fingers crossed. and even though i did find a recipe for homemade heavenly hash online that sounds delicious, i’m kinda lazy.

    i’m off to see how the popeye’s query about spinach went. i hope it was fruitful and netted some more useful coupons than the one from edy’s. i’ll have to bookmark your page for more exciting letters to corporate automaton customer service representatives.

    thanks for all the laughs. cheers.

    • Gary Applegary on October 13, 2014 at 7:07 pm

      Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, Georgia! I’m glad you found the letters amusing; I had a lot of fun with them. It’s nice when they play along. Alas, Popeye’s is not responding. It is tougher these days to get responses. Everything is electronic messaging and whatnot, and they probably deleted my queries toot sweet. I gave it the old college try, though. Sorry to disappoint. I really hope you do keep coming back to visit, I’m doing a lot of writing and plan on keeping the site up to date as much as possible.
      Oh, by the way, Bert and Ernie (B&J) gave me a coupon, I don’t honestly remember how much savings it was for as I redeemed it quickly on a pint of Chunky Monkey. That pint didn’t last long, either. I remember that much. Hope to see you around cyberspace! Cheers!

  11. Lisa d on October 13, 2014 at 3:30 am

    Thanks so much for this little blog. I can’t believe that there are other people out there having the same conversation that my husband and I had tonight. I’m not sure if it’s been solved but at least we have a few answers. Now here is the next question – growing up in Philadelphia, I have always been a Bryers girl. Does anyone know why the labeling suddenly no longer says ice cream but is now frozen dairy dessert? I’m finding this very scary…..

    • Gary Applegary on October 13, 2014 at 7:11 pm

      Dear Lisa, aka Breyer’s Girl: I found your post disturbing. Not you, mind you, but the revelation of the new labeling. FROZEN DAIRY DESSERT? That could include cow patties! Powdered goat horns! Chopped up.. you get the idea. It sounds pretty hinky to me. I’d better have my peeps investigate! Thanks (I think) for the tip. Now I have nightmares!
      All seriousness aside, thanks for stopping by and dropping me a line, I really appreciate it!

  12. Julia on October 25, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    Heavenly Hash is a candy. It was first invented about a century ago in a department store, in New Orleans. Later, Elmer Candies made a version of it. The confection is very much a part of Southern cuisine & culture. It is made with Chocolate, Pecans (which are plentiful in the region) & Marshmallows. Whenever you went shopping in New Orleans, or Memphis, or Atlanta … you always bought Heavenly Hash to bring home. It was sold in all the fine department stores (like Frango in Marshall Field’s & now Macy’s). Rocky Road is an ice cream! Get your facts, hon!!!

    FYI …

    • Gary Applegary on November 1, 2015 at 12:14 pm

      Thanks for stopping by, ladies! While Rocky Road is also a candy, it is indeed, and factually a flavor of ice cream. Have a great Sundae! (See what I did there?):)

  13. kimberley z on November 1, 2015 at 12:04 pm

    Thank-you Sir,

    I was just explaining rocky road to someone who has never tried it when I remembered Heavenly Hash. A dish I shared with my beloved grandfather when I was young.I thought I haven’t seen heavenly hash in years. This led to my curiosity between the two flavors ave if I liked heavenly hash so much just because I shared it with my grandfather.
    You’re research was very thorough and a joy to read.

    Still a Heavenly Hash fan, 🙂

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