I found this stuck in a folder, originally written in 1986 for my Literature & Composition class. I got an 87% on it, because it was lacking a refrain. Well, I just didn’t see that as working with this story, so forget the grade, I did it my way. Take that. Anyway, I dusted it off and gave it a little bit of editing, so I guess this is sort of a remix. (I have to say, the assignment was NOT to write a song, so why the heck did it need a refrain anyhow? OK, I’m letting… it…. go.)
Well, I was minding my own business,
Just the way a good man should.
Yep, just minding my own business –
But what happened wasn’t good.
An angry man burst through the door,
And kicked me in the head!
I got up then I asked him,
“Was it something that I said?”
The man had already begun to leave,
And stopped right near the door.
As he began to come back toward me,
I thought he might kick me some more.
But with a wicked grin he said,
“Sorry ‘bout that, my friend.
My actions were uncalled for –
I just lose it now and then.”
“Why, everyone needs to blow off steam.”
I said to him, “That’s true.
So the next time I get really mad,
I’m gonna come looking for YOU.”
Well, his eyes kinda popped and he staggered back,
And he knocked a few books off the shelf.
He said, “Look, I promise, next time I’m mad,
I’ll keep it to myself.”
I said, “That’s great! It’s settled then.
Now don’t ever forget what you said.
Oh, there’s one more thing, before you go –
I owe you a KICK IN THE HEAD.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Please do not kick others in the head. Or anywhere, for that matter.
POSTED ON October 18, 2010 BY Gary Applegary