
Drawings from Wayback…

By Gary Applegary | August 16, 2010 |

First, a couple explanations:

1) Never took any drawing or art courses. (You DON’T SAY!)

2) I have never been able to draw much of anything without having an example of it to look at. So if the picture is giraffes, say, rest assured I looked up giraffes in every encyclopedia and magazine I could find, so I could draw the various poses.

3) I was raised with 2 other brothers and not a very big budget for art supplies. Thus, a lot of stuff is on the back of forms my Dad brought home from the School Board that would have been tossed, or on notebook paper, etc. We learned to make use of what we had, and that was cool!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Giraffes.. you KNEW there’d be giraffes!

Our Boston Terrier, Mollie, she was great! She chewed on my ears a lot, but I deserved it.

I vividly recall my next picture. I had an orange flyer from the mail with a blank side, and knew I had to take advantage of it. I also knew I couldn’t ruin it, since there wouldn’t be anymore orange paper. SO, I drew Daffy on notebook paper, colored him in, cut him out, and pasted it on the flyer. (With mixed results.)  Ta da!

“Thithhhh ithhhhh dithhhhh-picable!”

When Rocky III came out in 1982, I was still Lil’ Gary, trust me. I snipped a pic out of the newspaper and TRIED to duplicate it… again, with mixed results…

I know what you’re thinking: “DONNIE OSMOND was in Rocky III?!?!”

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To Tank, or Not to Tank? A simple fashion guide.

By Gary Applegary | September 10, 2023 |

Sun’s out, guns out! Should I wear a tank top? Answer one question and we’ll give you your answer: Are you Wolverine? You’re welcome!


By Gary Applegary | October 11, 2021 |

The town population of warm Treasure Shore Is small, but it used to be quite a bit more.   Then a huge angry shark terrorizing the beach Started snatching and snapping up all within reach.   All sizes, shapes and colors of people he ate, A person-eating shark does not discriminate. The first victim had…

The Wrapperer Snapperer

By Gary Applegary | September 6, 2021 |

Winifred Wallaby Weng was a mostly good little kid. Always listened to Mumma; well, most of the time she did. She studied for tests, cleaned her room, obeyed the babysitterer, But the little girl with the adorable smile was a careless, frequent, litterer. “Pick up after yourself, Winnie!” was Mumma’s constant reminder. But everywhere that…

Slowpoke Cowpoke

By Gary Applegary | September 26, 2014 |

SLOWPOKE COWPOKE Deep in the heart of Dallas Fort Worth Lived the fastest cowpoke in all of the Earth. Zebedee Zoom was snappy and stealthy. It kept him sharp, and it kept him healthy. Whenever a job had to be done, Everyone knew that old Zeb was the one. Yes, Zoom was the man—he was…

Hey, Me!

By Gary Applegary | September 20, 2014 |