What am I doing? Typing, duh!
Oh, okay… projects for applegary currently in the works:
1) You might have noticed that I made Pithy Poems into a separate section instead of keeping them under “Short Shorts.” Wait, that didn’t come out right. Anyways, the poems shall be titled and each have their own post in the Pithy Poems category. Whoopy doo!
2) A new invention is coming real soon!
You want a sneaky peeky? Okay, here it is:
WHAT COULD IT BE?!?!?! Stay tuned.
3) New character studies… it’s about time.
4) More photoblogues.
5) Somewhere down the line, a CONTEST for Orchard readers! (“The Orchard” is the blog you are currently reading.) So recommend it to your friends, subscribe to the RSS feed, make them do the same, and once we get a whole bunch of readers, one or more will win a cool prize! How bout that!
6) More comments! I like to see feedback, and sometimes I will give you feedback regarding your feedback. So don’t be afraid, comment away! I can always delete the ones I don’t like, bwahahahaha!
Well, back to work! So long for now! Keep reading; thank you!
Gary Applegary
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