No Vember? No problem. Haven’t heard from me in a while? Hey, I haven’t heard from you, either! How are you? What’s new? Did that wart go away? Whoops, sorry! At least I didn’t mention your embarassing moustache-dandruff problem.
Myself, I just got BIT! That’s right, I just got Back In Town! It was nice to be out of town for a while, for myself, and for those who stayed in town. When I take vacation, they get a vacation too! Nice how that works. Speaking of work, its time for me to get to work, and to play. I hope to have some new photoblogues, some “Brite Ideas and Little Life Lessons,” and some “Visual Mantras” posted soon. Unless I decide to change the name of any of the above items. You will be the second to know!
G. Applegary
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