What? You never heard of filthy food bugs? Well, it’s probably obvious from their name that filthy food bugs are not something you want hopping up and down on your couch, rummaging through the fridge, or really doing any indoor activities. at least not in YOUR house. That’s really the point of the true story, Filthy Food Bugs. Because it could happen to you, and you’ll want to know what to do. So without further ado, I present to you…
Tappity tap tap, who’s at the door?
Open up, they rush the floor!
Seven, eight, nine, fifty-four..
Filthy food bugs! Here come more!
Get back! Stay back! Don’t come near!
What are all you doing here?
Get off the sofa, get off the chairs!
Don’t you dare go up the stairs!
Or down the stairs, or down the hall!
Or up the curtains, up the wall!
Not on the the table! Don’t eat that!
You’re about to get a SPLAT!
Mother’s angry. Angry shout!
Filthy food bugs ALL GET OUT!
I don’t know why you picked my
Or what you all have come here for.
You’ve been invited? Let me see!
An invitation? From…
YOU invited these food bugs, so..
You can tell them all to go.
Filthy food bugs, what did you say?
You think that you have come to stay?
I have a friend waiting outside..
I think that he might change your mind!
Hoppity hop hop, hungry toad…
Filthy food bugs hit the road!
Author’s note: I toad you it was a true story!
See you next time! G. Applegary
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