Fancy Pants is completely ready to go to print!
Here are some details about the book and the illustration files..
Fancy Pants is 32 pages plus cover. The size of the pages are 9″ X 9″. The illustrations are CMYK Full color throughout, and available to publishers as a Quark Xpress 7.0 document. Fancy Pants has approximately 750 words, written in a Seussian meter that is fun for both adults and parents to read.
If you are a publisher interested in printing Fancy Pants, “YOU’RE INVITED” to take a closer look.
Please contact me at gary@applegary.com and I would be happy to mail you a professionally printed sample of the entire book, or I can e-mail you a 4,544 KB pdf file of this wonderful work for your consideration.
Fancy Pants has also been translated into French, (See “Jolis Pantalons”) as well as Spanish (See “Pantalones Extravagantes.”)
Thank you in advance for your interest!
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