Voice That Sounds Suspiciously Like A Monkey: “Ring, ring!”
Man Answering Phone: “Hello?”
NOT Monkey: “Not Monkey speaking. What you wanted?”
Man: “Um. YOU called ME.”
Not Monkey: “Okay. What you want?”
Man: “Hmm.”
(Not) Monkey: “Okay, Survey Time! You like bananas.”
Man: “What kind of survey… Okay. NO. No, I do not like bananas.”
Monkey: “You like bananas.”
Man: “Listen, I just ANSWERED that question!”
Monkey: “Not question. You LIKE bananas. Good.”
Man Who Is Getting A Bit Flustered: “I DON’T like bananas, and I DON’T like phone surveys!”
Monkey: “Me either. One more question.”
Man, With Hint of Resignation: “I’m waiting…”
Monkey: “Why you called me?”
Man’s Phone: CLICK!
Monkey: “Hello?”
Fling! Fling!
POSTED ON March 17, 2014 BY Gary Applegary