Who knows for how long, but there are 43 really big Presidential statues in Williamsburg, Virginia. However, as of yesterday, President’s Park has closed its doors. According to an inside source, they are looking to: A) Sell the entire park, B) Sell the entire collection of busts, or C) Sell individual statues. Sounds like a good time to put in a bid for an 18 foot tall James K Polk for your back yard!
Days before the closing, I had a chance to visit President’s Park and take a few photos.
I wonder why they only had the Presidents, and no collection of First Lady Busts? Wait, I think I just figured it out… Enjoy the Photoblogue!
The Entrance.
“Come on in,” sez Abe.
It does cost a couple Lincolns and Washingtons to get in..
To give you some idea of how the statues are situated, here is an overview of part of the park…
The statues are arranged chronologically, so of course, upon entrance, you find yourself faced by the bust of George Washington…
Wonder what he looks like up close?
Yes, like THIS! They really are impressive sculptures. Kinda neat. So of course, you wander on to John Quincy Adams and T.J….
And after a bit, one begins to realize that although these are neat and huge and all, there is only so many angles to shoot them from, and there’s a whole bunch of them, too. So then, you kinda start to pick and choose the pictures you want to take, and look for interesting names, factoids, and features… Like, say, a really cool outfit, like Andrew “Old Hickory” Jackson…
Now you see where the Beatles, and later, Michael Jackson, got some wardrobe idears.
Or if you see a cool bow tie, of course, you have to get a picture…
Yup, when you a wear a bow tie, seems like everybody feels compelled to adjust it.
Continued meandering through the park…
Does Rutherford B. Hayes seem peevish to you? Well, his middle name is Birchard.. that COULD account for it. I don’t think I would like that middle name. But that’s just me. And maybe that name was all the rage back then. The Justin or Britney of the 1890’s…
The aforementioned James K (the K is for “Knox”) Polk. Did you know he had his gallbladder removed at age 17… WITHOUT anaesthesia? Now you know.
Millard Fillmore! Cool name. Cool tie. (I didn’t adjust this one; it was so straight, but still, somehow, I wanted to.)
“Silent Cal” Calvin Coolidge. He’s the one that reputedly won a wager with a young lady who bet she could make him say more than two words. His reply? “You lose.”
I got even fewer words!
Of course, one simply MUST take pictures of the iconic Abraham Lincoln…
Above is probably my favorite shot of the whole bunch.
Let’s not forget JFK…
Or Bill Clinton…
Jimmy Carter….
HEY! Somebody parked a Ford in the middle of the park…
Another overview of the park (from the Observation Deck..)
A few bespectacled Presidents…
A warpy glasses picture… (Less than spectacle-ular…)
Then, we caught a President obviously preparing for a State of the Union address…
I’m REALLY trying to avoid the obvious “nose job” or “rhino-plastery” jokes here..
At the end of the tour…
I know what you’re thinking… Hey… there’s one missing! Well, he was INSIDE…
NOT 18 feet tall, however…
Is this a comment on the current regime? Hmm. I will leave that up to you.
I hope you had a fun tour. I did. See you soon. And don’t forget to put in your bid. www.presidentspark.org
POSTED ON October 1, 2010 BY Gary Applegary
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Too bad they closed this place. How much is shipping on George? (Washington of course)
I think you just have to make an offer on GW, Jon. And be prepared to haul him off yourself! Let me know when, because I’m sure I will want a photo of you and George toolin’ down the highway!
Can we copy your pictures ?
Thanks for enjoying the pictures, Larry! Please feel free to share and enjoy the pictures, just not for profit, obviously, and please direct any interest to the site. Thank you! G.