This illustration was for a cookbook compiled of all the kindergarteners’ favorite foods. My first thought: DESSERT! I chose for my favorite: “Applesauce Raisin Spice Cake With Caramel Frosting,” which was later edited to “Carmel Cake.” This is my rendition of it:
As you can clearly see, Applesauce Raisin Spice Cake With Caramel Frosting had BOTH kinds of raisins: Golden and black! Good stuff. Great job, Mom! That’s about all I can say about Applesauce Raisin Spice Cake With Caramel Frosting.

The Kid who liked Applesauce Raisin Spice Cake with Caramel Frosting…
POSTED ON August 11, 2010 BY Gary Applegary